Transfer Credits


The Best Advice: Submit the Course for Preliminary Review Before Taking the Course!

We do not approve all credit transfer requests and do not always approve them for the same number of credits. It is therefore advisable to submit the course for a preliminary review. 

Please allow for up to 4 weeks of review time. Applications to review summer courses should be submitted before April 15th.

Before you take the course

Submit the following items for preliminary review: 

Your application will not be processed until we have received all materials. You will receive an e-mail response from the Director of Undergraduate Study indicating the likelihood of a credit transfer approval. Final decisions are made after you have completed the course. 

After you take the course

Submit the following items for credit transfer approval: 

  • Completed Department of Anthropology Credit Transfer Application 
  • Your Preliminary Review decision email from the Director of Undergraduate Study (if available) Transcript from the institution where you completed the course. (For Anthropology purposes, a transcript copy or an unofficial transcript will suffice.) 
  • Course Syllabus for the exact course and semester taken 
  • Reading List and List of Course Assignments (if not included on the syllabus) 
  • Your College's Application for Credit Transfer 
    • (Example: College of Arts and Sciences Application for Credit from Other Institutions) 

Email all materials to Brett Preston Jr. at [email protected] 

Your application will not be processed until we have received all materials. Once the decision is made, you will receive an e-mail notification letting you know when to pick up the signed College Application Form. 

If you are not in possession of the syllabus or your final exam, please contact the course instructor and the department administration and request those from them. We will accept an exam prompt if the final exam is not attainable. 

Special Circumstances: To approve credit transfer for 4000-level courses we require a substantive seminar component and a final research paper (or an appropriate equivalent). 
